Natural Health and Healing - Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
“My work is about taking the time to understand what is really going on for a person, to fully receive the human being and their experience, and then to work directly and effectively to help them.”
I offer a unique combination of acupuncture, bodywork, shiatsu and acupressure. Fully trained in all disciplines, and with over 8 years experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I use a number of different diagnostic models, and various treatment methods, including gua sha, cupping and moxa, to create an effective treatment plan, that gets right to the heart of the issue, to both relieve symptoms and to address the underlying causes of symptoms.
Digestive issues
Chronic fatigue / ME
PMT / Menstrual issues
Back pain
Neck and shoulder pain
Tennis elbow
Frozen shoulder
Post viral fatigue
A few things I regularly treat
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Feel free to contact me with any enquiries or questions you may have about treatment.